Is a Pipe Stent or Sewer Relining Right for Me?
Let’s face it, plumbing issues can really be a drag. You’ve got water backing up or a leak from a break that needs to be fixed today. But, no one wants their entire yard dug up or patchwork done that won’t last over time.
The technology isn’t new but if the plumber you call doesn’t know how to install them, it’s probably best to look elsewhere. Often a stent or pipe liner can solve the problem without digging a massive hole in your yard.
Here is a possible scenario: you call a plumber because there is water backing up in a basement drain. The plumber comes out and hydro jets the line and puts a camera into the sewer line to verify the pipe is clean. Oh, no! The camera reveals a crack that has developed in the clay sewer tile, allowing tree roots to grow into the pipe and block sewage from moving down the line.
The plumber you called is smart because he knows from the camera inspection that the crack is relatively small. Getting appropriate city permits and equipment to dig up the clay tile and connect it back to the city’s sewer will be costly and slow. The pipe stent is a liner that is form-fit to the inside contours of the pipe, making it like new again.
More tips here: