That Gurgling Noise Around Your Drains?
How To Avoid Customers Walking Into Your Restaurant And Going…
Ask yourself these important questions critical to your brand’s dining experience…
Ever hear a gurgling noise around your drains?
Are you seeing one drain working really slowly, and seeing sewage fill up another drain in another area of the restaurant?
Drains stink so bad you have to hold your breath when you walk by?
When was the last time your drain lines were checked?
Sewer Drain Cleaning
Any gurgling noise coming from your kitchen’s drains are most likely due to a blockage.
A clogged kitchen drain can back up and push sewage odours into another drain that might be in or near the dining area.
Restaurants all over the country ignore or procrastinate having their drains checked. And when it gets bad enough for diners to notice, those diners go to Yelp, Nextdoor, and other Review sites.
This is a 100 percent preventable problem.
Hydro Jet Sewer Drain Cleaning
What causes the gurgling noise around your drains?

The odor and the gurgling noises are often signs of grease build up. Have you ever smelled leftover grease and sewage mixed together? Restaurants push more grease and food preparation solids through their outbound drainage lines than practically any other business out there. Think of all that grease, day in and day out, going down your drains. If you hear a gurgling noise coming out of your pipes, it’s an obvious sign all that material has made the outward bound sewage line so narrow, that as the liquid tries to go thru that narrower space, air is displaced by it, and escapes creating the “glub glub glub” noise.
What causes one drain to start eliminating fluids much too slow, while backing up a drain elsewhere in the building?

An interesting behavior we’ve all noticed about fluids interacting with gravity, is that it always wants to go DOWN.
We often see in buildings with multiple drain lines that a blockage in one much used drain line, due to it’s placement in the plumbing system, has the material back up in a drain line elsewhere. This can be a big problem, as the backup starts pushing the sewage into a new drain line, building up two potential backed up blocked pipes.
And what about that smell coming out of the drain?
It’s a sign that material that you are pushing down the drain is stopping short of being evacuated as intended.
As you can guess, every day your dish washing process is adding grease PLUS Solids down the drain, which makes that particular drain collect build up on the sidewalls of that particular pipe that other pipes in your building don’t ever get exposed to.
As liquid flows down the pipe daily, the displaced air comes back out the drain… and carrying any rotten, rancid smell with it. That’s the gas forced out of the pipe as the sewage displaces it.
IF you have one blockage causing a blockage in another drain somewhere else in the building, these odors could be forced out into another part of the building. It is not uncommon for us to see this putting a restaurant’s dining room in the path of odors SO awful… SO abhorrent, it is an understatement to call it a plumbing emergency. We can see, maybe even smell, the problem here?
How Can We Know For Sure If Your Restaurant, or Bar & Grill, Has A Clogged Drain Emergency On It’s Horizon?
Procrastinating having the sewer line looked at and cleaned, could at any time turn into a day of customers walking in your doors, and turning right around and telling their friends what just happened on Facebook.
Obviously, we would love to hear from you, and have a look at the clogged drains, even check your grease trap, and fix any plumbing problem for you. Before we get that far though, we want to show you our newest innovative tool that cleans these crucial outbound lines. We believe they can do a better job than anything that most other plumbers in Chicago know about.
The Rocket Plumbing Hydro Jet
Our new tool is NOT “Rootering”, or “snaking”. If you have had those done before, your sewer drains only got partly cleared out. Those two methods, while better than procrastinating, invariably leave clogging material behind.
Let’s show you how it works…
Here is why we plumber nerds love to use it, by watching the video below. Pretty DRAMATIC results. We said all that to say we want to be your plumber, and since we worked so hard to get you to our page today to show it to you, we want to thank you for your time and give you this
How can you get started? Give us a call at (773) 219-1200 and tell Andres or Valerie you just saw this and want our special discount. We will get out there Rocket Fast. Mention our Free Sewer Camera Inspection for Restaurants so that Valerie and Andres know to pass it along to our licensed and professional drain line expert, and we can schedule your check up.
Option 1: With any Main Line Drain clearing, we will also use a Sewer Camera to inspect your lines, for FREE! (Normally $199.00) Why is our Sewer Camera Inspection so valuable to you, in both the short term AND the long term? Using our specially designed camera to inspect your plumbing lines can tell us:
- The type of material your pipe is made of (letting us know what to expect from future wear and tear.)
- The depth and length of your sewer line.
- The approximate path your sewer line takes to meet the main.
- Any root intrusions in the pipe. (Tree roots are a major cause of unexpected burst pipes.)
- Current Breaks and possible leaks in the pipe.
- Failed connections in the pipe. (As ground shifts, connections can develop leaks.)
- Sludge or mineral deposit build-up in the pipe. (Snaking and rootering often leaves material behind).
- The existence of a belly, or dip, in the pipe that could catch solid material. (This will help you decide how often you need your pipes checked for potential clogged drains.)
- The overall condition of the pipe.
The Sewer Line inspection, complete with recorded video and still shots of any problem areas, can give you peace of mind about your pipes, and give you the accurate picture about your pipes so you can’t be taken advantage of.
How often should your drains be checked for a grease clog building up in your drains? Once every 6 months to a year for most restaurants. If your daily volume is high, you might need it checked more often. But that is an average. What is the specific correct choice based on YOUR plumbing system’s actual real world condition? Our sewer line inspection with our specialized camera can help you answer this question once and for all, specific to YOUR pipes condition.
What’s the right amount of maintenance using the BEST tool to keep those lines clear? You will find out once and for all with Rocket Plumbing’s Drain Cleaning program designed just for high volume restaurants.
Option 2: Maybe you don’t have the signs mentioned above about your drains.
- Maybe you have had snaking and rootering very recently, which while poking a hole in a blockage, still leaves buildup on pipe’s sidewalls ready to become a new blockage.
- Maybe your current plumbing service doesn’t have a Hydro Jet (the best solution to restaurant drain blockages).
We would be happy to remind you 6 months from now to come in and check your drain lines then. We will reserve today’s free Sewer Camera Inspection for you. Just give us a call at (773) 219-1200 and we will set up an appointment for 6 months from now.