Village of Downers Grove Stormwater Improvement Cost-Share Program

For residents living in the Village of Downers Grove ( DuPage County ), there is currently a rebate benefiting homeowners. Call us (630) 228-1440 to help you install a flood protection device for your home.
Cost-Share for the Mitigation of Drainage Issues
The Village of Downers Grove offers financial assistance to residents seeking to make storm water improvements on their private property. To qualify, the proposed improvement must mitigate existing flooding conditions such as structural flooding of a house/garage due to overland flow or non-structural flooding on multiple properties. Non-structural flooding conditions must be present on more than one property to be eligible for participation.
Once the qualifying criteria are met, reimbursement of up to $1,500 is available for each participating property. The maximum reimbursement per project is $10,000.

Plumbing Services We Offer
Water Heater Services
Drain Cleaning Maintenance & Repair
Flood Control
Code Violation Repairs
Leak Detection
Well & Sump Pump Repairs
Water Treatment
Commercial Plumbing
And That’s Not All! Call Rocket Plumbing 630-228-1440 today.