Glen Ellyn Overhead Sewer or Backflow Valve Cost Share Program
For residents living in the Village of Glen Ellyn ( DuPage County ), there is currently a rebate benefitting homeowners. Call us (630) 228-1440 to help you install an overhead sewer or backflow valve for your home.
50% Reimbursement for the Installation of an Overhead Sewer System
During very intense storm events, the sanitary sewer system which carries sanitary waste from residences can become overloaded. The sanitary sewer system is not completely watertight. Groundwater can enter the sewer system through cracks and joints. Also, sump pumps, driveway drains, downspouts, foundation drains, and defective sewer service lines may illegally divert ground and rainwater into the sewer. The addition of this extra amount of water into the sanitary sewer system can cause sewage to back up into the lower levels of residences.
Even after measures have been taken to eliminate extraneous flows into a sanitary service collection system, certain residences will remain more susceptible to sewer back-ups during intense storm events than others because of minor elevation differences between the residence’s internal plumbing system and the Village’s sanitary sewer system. The grant program is designed to provide assistance to resident homeowners who wish to install an overhead sewer or backflow prevention valve to minimize the possibility of sewer back-ups.
The Village of Glen Ellyn will reimburse a property owner up to $5,000 or 50% of the cost of installing an approved overhead sewer or backflow prevention valve, whichever amount is less.
Review the Village Guide and Application >>
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