Lombard Overhead Sewer Rebate Program

For residents living in Lombard ( DuPage County ), there is currently a rebate benefitting homeowners. Call us (630) 228-1440 to help you install an overhead sewer for your home.

75% Reimbursement for the Installation of an Overhead Sewer

Some homes are subject to basement backups because of the “low” sanitary service lines in relation to Lombard’s mainline sewer. During storms when excessive inflow and infiltration enters the sewer, the mainline sewer may
surcharge due to a higher hydraulic grade line causing backups into homes. Overhead sewers (with pumped discharges) reduce this problem. This rebate is designed to encourage more homeowners to take action resulting in fewer problems and increased property values. Overhead sewer, gate valve, and flap valve installation may be low-cost alternatives to a very expensive stormwater separation project.

A homeowner will pay the first 25% of the total cost of the overhead sewer system; gate valve, flap valve, or another suitable system. The Village will pay the remaining costs up to a maximum of $5,000,

Review the City Guide and Application >>

Plumbing Services We Offer
Water Heater Services
Drain Cleaning Maintenance & Repair
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Code Violation Repairs
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Well & Sump Pump Repairs
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And That’s Not All! Call Rocket Plumbing 630-228-1440 today.